Sunday, January 25, 2009

Photo #1

Here is a screen capture from Google Street View so everyone can get an idea of the exterior. Bonus points since the Street View was done in the summer time instead of now when everything is brown and dead. Respect to the previous owners and their low riders.

We got our measurements done yesterday but the battery in my camera died so no photos of the interior until Thursday. Last night we made blueprints and tracings and got the overhead layout looking the way we want it to. Yarko has been sitting at the computer with his rendering program all day today. The interior looks awesome. We will take some JPEGs from that and show how an ugly duckling can be turned into the raddest house on the block. All without the help of design consultants or HGTV!


  1. A corner lot with plenty of driveway and a cute yard area? Nice!

  2. What's the difference between wordpress and blogger?

    PS I love laundry chutes!!
