Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obvious, yet so genius

This morning while the cats were going through their usual bout of total insanity at the ass-crack of dawn, I was struck with inspiration:

The bathroom on the main level is directly above the laundry room. I am not the type who is into going up and down the stairs all the time, and I'm also not the type who enjoys piles of dirty clothes scattered about or seeing my hamper full of soiled garments every time I open the closet. Plus Yarko's happi coats can get mighty ripe with raw fish and rice vinegar smell.

Solution: Laundry chute in the bathroom!

I am probably more excited about this than anything else because really, how many houses have this? I haven't been to one that does. Garbage chutes yes, laundry chutes no. There is this implied sophistication to something like that so dammit, I must have it!

This also branched off into having a compost chute in the kitchen since that will be situated above the front end of the basement where we will be doing our hydroponic vegetables and worm boxes and [possibly] home brewing.

We are driving down today to take photos and measurements and draw up accurate layouts so we can mess with them. Hopefully I can get ahold of my broker - I know the lock box combination but don't think I am supposed to and don't want to invite unnecessary negative attention if anyone catches us in the house when we have no authority to be there.

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